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Divya Acharya, Riddhi Jain, Siba Smarak Panigrahi, et al. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Advanced Computing 1367 474 (2021)
Critical Analysis of Cross-Validation Methods and Their Impact on Neural Networks Performance Inflation in Electroencephalography Analysis
Mohammed J. Abdulaal, Alexandre J. Casson and Patrick Gaydecki IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 44(1) 75 (2021)
Lightweight Building of an Electroencephalogram-Based Emotion Detection System
A Multimodal Deep Log-Based User Experience (UX) Platform for UX Evaluation
Jamil Hussain, Wajahat Ali Khan, Taeho Hur, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal, Jaehun Bang, Anees Ul Hassan, Muhammad Afzal and Sungyoung Lee Sensors 18(5) 1622 (2018)
EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Quadratic Time-Frequency Distribution