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Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security
Harsh Khatter, Amit Kumar Gupta, Anurag Mishra and Ruchi Rani Garg Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security 395 295 (2022)
Movie Recommendation Using Clustering and Nearest Neighbour
Rupali Bagate, Aparna Joshi, Shilpa Pawar, Yogita Hambir and Sharayu Lokhande International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (2022)
A Deterministic Model for Determining Degree of Friendship Based on Mutual Likings and Recommendations on OTT Platforms
Aqeel Khalique, Mohammad Khalid Imam Rahmani, Mohd Saquib, et al. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 1 (2022)
Mera Kartika Delimayanti, Mauldy Laya, Bambang Warsuta, Mas Brillianesa Faydhurrahman, Mohammad Azri Khairuddin, Hubbaka Ghoyati, Anggi Mardiyono and Rizqi Fitri Naryanto 314 (2022)
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security
Harsh Khatter, Amit Kumar Gupta, Prabhat Singh and Ruchi Rani Garg Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security 395 283 (2022)
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications