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Control charts in healthcare quality monitoring: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis
Muhammad Waqas, Song Hua Xu, Sajid Hussain and Muhammad Usman Aslam International Journal for Quality in Health Care 36(3) (2024)
A Study on the Laney p′ Control Chart with Parameters Estimated from Phase I Data: Performance Evaluation and Applications
About Shewhart control charts to monitor the Weibull mean based on a Gamma distribution
Renata M. R. Vasconcelos, Roberto C. Quinino, Linda L. Ho and Frederico R. B. Cruz Quality and Reliability Engineering International 38(8) 4210 (2022)
Fathy Alkhatib, Salah Haridy, Ali Al Owad, Hamdi Bashir and Ridvan Aydin 1 (2022)