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Barka Satya, Hendry and Daniel H. F. Manongga Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Third Congress on Intelligent Systems 613 821 (2023)
Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies
Md. Atikur Rahman, Kazi Md. Rokibul Alam and Muhammad Sheikh Sadi Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies 490 524 (2023)
Ahad Aljarf, Ghaidaa Almaghrabi, Halah Albarakati, Haneen Ahmed, Raghad Alharbi and Sawsan Aljuhani 19 (2022)
Yellamma Pachipala, M Harika, B Aakanksha and M Kavitha 1611 (2022)
Extended Reality
Roberto Pierdicca, Flavio Tonetto, Marco Mameli, Riccardo Rosati and Primo Zingaretti Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Extended Reality 13446 161 (2022)