Open Access
All the documents are free to read and download. Copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
ITM Web of Conferences is an Open Access publication series dedicated to archiving conference proceedings dealing with all the aspects related to information technology, computer science and mathematics. The aims and scope of the journal cover the whole spectrum of pure and applied mathematics, software engineering, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and the study of organizations and information technology.
ITM Web of Conferences offers a wide range of services from the organization of the submission of conference proceedings to the worldwide dissemination of the conference papers. It provides an efficient archiving solution, ensuring maximum exposure and wide indexing of scientific conference proceedings.
Proceedings are published under the scientific responsibility of the conference editors.
All the documents are free to read and download. Copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Conference papers may be subsequently updated, or enhanced, for further publication as a regular journal article.
The journal welcomes any scientific documents: traditional articles, posters, abstracts, slideshows, etc. They will be available online within 6-8 weeks of us receiving the contributions.
Each document receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and is indexed to Crossref©.
All documents will be indexed in main bibliographic databases. See Indexed in.
Intelligent search engine, email alerts, list of related articles, citation tracking, page view count, links to social bookmarks, etc.