Issue |
ITM Web Conf.
Volume 21, 2018
Computing in Science and Technology (CST 2018)
Article Number | 00002 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 October 2018 |
Intelligent ALMM System - implementation assumptions for its Knowledge Base
AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Automation, Krakow, Poland
University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Computer Engineering, ul. Pigonia 1, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Applied Information, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszow, Poland
* Corresponding author:
The paper introduces the concept of implementation assumptions about the Knowledge Base (KB) system cooperating with intelligent information system for the discrete optimization of problem solving, named Intelligent ALMM System. This system utilizes a modeling paradigm named Algebraic Logical Meta Model of Multistage Decision Processes (ALMM) and its theory, both developed by Dudek-Dyduch E. The system solves combinatorial and discrete optimization problems including NP-hard problems with possible user assistance. The models of problems are stored in a Problem Model Library. In this paper the idea of KB for the storage of the properties of problems is presented. The concept of the KB on problems presented in previous works has been extended by introducing an additional module pertaining to the properties of a problems library. A discussion was presented in the context of the selection of tools that enable the construction of such a library as well as its architecture. In the adopted strategy of storing the properties of problems, the interface for exchanging information is compatible with the library of problems using polymorphic and component properties of object-oriented programming. Considerations are explained by means of a sample UML diagram and interface prototypes.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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