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Forecasting short-term electric load using extreme learning machine with improved tree seed algorithm based on Lévy flight
Xuan Chen, Krzysztof Przystupa, Zhiwei Ye, et al. Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 24(1) 153 (2022)
Online Measurement Error Detection for the ElectronicTransformer in a Smart Grid
Gu Xiong, Krzysztof Przystupa, Yao Teng, Wang Xue, Wang Huan, Zhou Feng, Xiang Qiong, Chunzhi Wang, Mikołaj Skowron, Orest Kochan and Mykola Beshley Energies 14(12) 3551 (2021)
Krzysztof Przystupa, Igor Vasylkivskyi, Vitalii Ishchenko, Volodymyr Pohrebennyk and Orest Kochan 143 (2019)