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Cited article:

Optimality and duality for $ E $-differentiable multiobjective programming problems involving $ E $-type Ⅰ functions

Najeeb Abdulaleem
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 19 (2) 1513 (2023)

Optimality conditions for a class of E -differentiable vector optimization problems with interval-valued objective functions under E -invexity

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International Journal of Computer Mathematics 100 (7) 1601 (2023)

Optimality conditions and duality for E-differentiable multiobjective programming involving V-E-type I functions

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OPSEARCH 60 (4) 1824 (2023)

$ V $-$ E $-invexity in $ E $-differentiable multiobjective programming

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E-duality results for E-differentiable vector optimization problems involving E-type I functions

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Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 25 (2) 301 (2022)