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A Survey on Privacy in Graph Neural Networks: Attacks, Preservation, and Applications
Yi Zhang, Yuying Zhao, Zhaoqing Li, Xueqi Cheng, Yu Wang, Olivera Kotevska, Philip S. Yu and Tyler Derr IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 36(12) 7497 (2024)
Modeling rehabilitation dataset to implement effective AI assistive systems
Synthetic Tabular Data Based on Generative Adversarial Networks in Health Care: Generation and Validation Using the Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
Ha Ye Jin Kang, Erdenebileg Batbaatar, Dong-Woo Choi, Kui Son Choi, Minsam Ko and Kwang Sun Ryu JMIR Medical Informatics 11 e47859 (2023)
Data-Driven Approach for Bio-medical and Healthcare
The Next Generation of eHealth: A Multidisciplinary Survey
Chiara Suraci, Vincenzo De Angelis, Giuseppina Lofaro, Michele Lo Giudice, Giuseppe Marrara, Federica Rinaldi, Antonia Russo, Martina Teresa Bevacqua, Gianluca Lax, Nadia Mammone, Antonino Mazza Laboccetta, Francesco Carlo Morabito and Giuseppe Araniti IEEE Access 10 134623 (2022)
Synthetic data generation for tabular health records: A systematic review