Issue |
ITM Web Conf.
Volume 70, 2025
2024 2nd International Conference on Data Science, Advanced Algorithm and Intelligent Computing (DAI 2024)
Article Number | 04031 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | AI and Advanced Applications | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 January 2025 |
Discussion on Artificial Intelligence Safety and Ethical Issues
1 Shanghai Shangde Experimental School, 201100 Shanghai, China
2 Guangzhou No.7 Middle School, 510000 Guangzhou, China
3 Qunxing Foreign Language School, 322000 Yiwu, China
4 Luoyang No.1 Senior High School, 47100 Luoyang, China
* Corresponding author:
As artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrated into society, people are relying on it more and more, and higher requirements are put forward for the safety and ethical standards of AI. This article explores the development of artificial intelligence technology and its potential safety and ethical challenges in various fields. In terms of security, the risk of adversarial attacks is analyzed in depth, and the robustness of the model is enhanced through adversarial training and data enhancement techniques. In addition, it is recommended to adopt measures such as data encryption and differential privacy to address data privacy and security issues. Regarding ethical considerations, this paper identifies the origins of algorithmic bias and argues for mitigating it through rigorous testing, validation, and regulatory frameworks. It also highlights the importance of increasing the transparency and explainability of AI to enhance public trust. Finally, the paper emphasizes the importance of defining accountability for AI behavior and suggests establishing laws and regulations that effectively govern AI applications. In conclusion, the study argues that the development of AI should emphasize safety and ethical considerations. Through the combination of technical intervention, legal supervision and social responsibility, the sustainable development of artificial intelligence is effectively promoted.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2025
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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