Open Access
ITM Web Conf.
Volume 19, 2018
Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering (ZKwE’2018)
Article Number 01039
Number of page(s) 2
Published online 21 September 2018
  1. The official Raspberry Pi documentation is available at (access 10/09/2017) [Google Scholar]
  2. A. Kumar, What is a digital multimeter (DMM) and its working principle details, (access 09.09.2017) [Google Scholar]
  3. The official documentation of Qt libraries for version 5.10 is available at (access 24.01.2018) [Google Scholar]
  4. M. Summerfield, Biblioteki Qt. Zaawansowane programowanie przy użyciu C++ (Advanced programming using C ++), Gliwice: Helion (2014) [Google Scholar]

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